Friday, May 6, 2016

How to Make Science Creative

 Why should we make science creative?  Science is a topic that spans so many different areas from microbiology to the unknown of space.  As teachers we need to create creative science activities to help students expand their understanding of science which will expand their understanding of life as they know it.  In the article Think Creatively about Science the many concept is to teach students science in a creative and interesting way.  To develop creative scientists the students need to develop flexibility in making choices and problem solving.  Creative scientists can find problems and solutions that others miss.  When students are exposed to experiences at a young age they are able to develop problem solving skills earlier.  As I read this article it concerns me with how we teach our students in schools today.  In schools we are trying to force students to think within a box.  We do not allow the students to explore their world, we just want them to read and retain the information.  Most students can not learn like this.  They need to experience the information in their own way, to internalize it in the way that is most interesting to them.  Over the past couple of years, our school have been taking this experience away from students.  In this article it says a educator must create an environment that encourages students to discovery on their own.  An educator must invite students to ask questions and have areas where students can investigate these questions.  When students are allowed to question, investigate, and discovery information they are learning the skills of problem solving which can be used through out their schooling and life, not just in science. 

As a teacher of preschool I believe in teaching through play and discover.  Student learn through the use of games, puzzles, imaginative play, role playing. sensory activities, songs, and finger plays.  By allowing students explore and discover information in their own way they tend to internalize the information.  When a student is learning through exploration and discovery they do not realize they are learning.  For students with academic difficulties, this make learning more tolerable because they do not realize they are learning.  I truly hope as I get into the mainstream schools I can continue using exploration and discovery to help my students learn. I want to teach the students to love to learn and find their own path through learning.

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