Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Can We Teach The Change?

As teachers we have the opportunity to teach students to change the world.  Students need to learn that if they want, if they put their mind to it they can change the world.  In class today we discussed how we as teachers can teach students how to relate, understand, and help the topic of global warming and climate change.  As teachers we need to give our students the tools and information to help them understand what global warming and climate change is.  That this problem did not happen over night and I will only get worse if we as people of the Earth do not change our ways.  Once the students understand how global warming and climate change they then can start thinking of how the topic relates to them.  If students do not think that global warming and climate change relates to their life they will not care as much.  Once you can teach the students how global warming and climate change relates to their life they can start thinking up ways to help.  You never know inside which students mind will come up with the solution to this our any problem.  By giving students the freedom to think on their own and make a different.

As a class we came up with came up with a joint statement about the importance of global warming and climate change.  After watching the movie Home by Yann Arthus-Bertand we all wrote statements  regarding our effect on the Earth.  Then, we came together and created a statement that reflected our thoughts and ideals.  We then added our joint statement to change.org.
Here is our joint statement:
Joint Statement
We are science methods students from Mount Saint Mary College. During this semester we have studied climate change and its impact on our planet. The finale to our course included watching Home, a documentary directed by Yann Arthus-Bertrand and narrated by Glenn Close. The documentary was eye opening and shocking in regards to the negative impact that humans have had on our planet on a daily basis. Humanity is threatening the ecological balance of our planet. Our resources will not last forever, especially if we continue to abuse them with toxic pesticides, excessive mining, water shortages, deforestation, extinction, global warming, droughts, and wildfires. Many species have become extinct and continue to become scarce.  Everyday, thousands of people are dying because they are drinking polluted water. It is up to us to keep clean the very resource we need to survive. As we deplete our nonrenewable resources, we need to lean on natural resources such as the sun.  We need to look to solar power to become our primary resource for energy. When we allow chemicals to be released into our waters, soil, and atmosphere we put a strain on our natural resources.  One of the major reactions from releasing chemicals into our atmosphere is the depletion of our Earth’s ozone.  As we continue to release these chemicals into our environment we put everything on the beautiful Earth in harm's way.  Cities like Dubai embody the result of our power and are critical need for natural resources, yet flies in the face of our home’s dire need for support and sustainability.   We can make a difference but we need to reshape our focus. It has been said that progress is fulfilled in volume. Numbers speak louder when Governments are beginning to prioritize the need for renewable  energy. Electricity plants are exploring geothermal energy. The introduction of Wind farms produce 20%  energy.  Intelligence in engineering will help lead our society and joining nations on a mission to preserve our earth rather than exhaust her resources.
As future teachers, we hope to impart this important information onto our students and stress the importance of protecting our home.

Action speaks louder than words. As future educators, it is our job to inform the youth about the harm we have created.

  1. We will develop awareness of the state of the environment, by creating organizations for students to join, learn, and promote Earth friendly mentalities.
  2. We will persuade administrators to incorporate environmental change into science curricula for all grade levels.
  3. We will maintain the movement of educating our students to continue to bring the positive change to our environment and maintain the balance of our home.

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