Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Third Times The Charm

What a great way to learn about rocks.  The third group presented Earth Science.  This group focused on three types of rocks: Igneous, Sedimentary, and Metamorphic rocks.  They opened the lesson with a pre-assessment fill in the blank. They handed out a graphic organizer to help the student follow the slides.  Some of the students had trouble with this graphic organizer.  They then taught the class the three different types of rocks. Explaining their characteristics, where they can be found, and different examples of each.  They then showed a great video on the three types of rocks.  The students really like this video.  When the video was over they then reviewed the graphic organizer as a class. As a guided practice the group used a interactive smartboard game called Rocks or Soils which the class engaged with well.
In the inquiry lesson the students became geologist.  As geologist they were to test rocks to classify them.  The group did a great job modeling the process the students were going to use.  The students were asked to test the rocks using a table for qualities: Shape, Color, Streak, Luster, Hardness, and Grain Size.  By the qualities each rock had the students classified the rocks by igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic.  The students were engaged in the task of being a geologist and testing rocks.       

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