Monday, February 15, 2016

The First of Four

Today the first group presented to our after-school program.  There are about 16 students ranging from 3rd grade to 6th grade.  We started with our cooperating teacher speaking to the students about what she expects from us as the teacher candidates and what she expects from them as the students.  The first group presented the lesson topic physical and chemical changes in matter.  The group first did some experiments to demonstrate physical and chemical changes.  They added sand to water and got no change, added salt to water and got no change, ripped up an index card to show a physical change, and added baking soda to vinegar to show a chemical change.  They also played a great video that explains the different types of matter and their properties.  When they moved into their inquiry part of the lesson they set up four stations.  The stations were making a bouncing ball, a lava bottle, goop, and tin foil boats.  The students had to record the process they were doing and if they had made a physical or chemical change.  The students loved these stations and ever engaged with the teachers at the stations.  The students had a good time at their first night of our after-school program. We will have to wait and see what next week will bring us.

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